Poster presentations

Poster presentations

Explore and download our scientific posters on Duchenne and Becker

Below our collection of scientific posters that showcase the latest research from both pre-clinical and clinical studies on Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies.

Our posters cover a range of topics, including biomarkers, brain studies, outcome measures, epidemiology, natural history research and collection and application of high-quality real-world data. Click on a poster to download a PDF version.

World Muscle Society   – Okt 2024 –

Duchenne Center Netherlands                                   A gap-analysis of standardized
has developed FISMA,                                                  clinical data collected in the
a Framework for Information,                                    Dutch Dystrophinopathy Database
Specification, Modelling and Architecture               in patients diagnosed with Duchenne
to captures real-world data in a relevant,
reusable, and semantically interoperable way.

Video poster presentation of FISMA:


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